NHS Restart Service
health & wellbeing
The Restart project is an NHS community service that offers its trainees a wide range of activities and groups in training areas across the city. This allows us to be both inclusive and flexible in terms of our trainees needs when they join us. We are a recovery service and we recognise that working in partnership with our trainees empowers them to take an active role in their placement at Restart, helps them to set and achieve their personal goals and plan ahead for the next step in their recovery journey. Attending the Restart project provides our trainees with a safe place to meet other people who understand how they are feeling, a reason to get up and gain structure in their week, opportunities to take part meaningful activity and training and enables them to take ownership of how they would like their recovery to move forward in the future. A referral form is required for Restart. This form must be filled in on your behalf by a health professional. You can access our referral form via the following link - https://www.nhsggc.org.uk/your-health/health-services/the-restart-project/how-to-apply-to-join-the-restart-project/
Is this for me?
Criteria or restrictions
We accept referrals from Community Mental Health Teams citywide, Inpatient and specialist services.
Referral route
A referral form is required for Restart. This form must be filled in on your behalf by a health professional. You can access our referral form via link above.
Restart, 21-29 Hathaway Street, Maryhill, Glasgow, G20 8TD. Restart, Ground Floor, David Dale House, 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR.