Glasgow Street Aid
Glasgow Street Pastors has been in existence since 2009 and is a well known and respected part of the night time economy of the city centre. Our two main areas of operation are our street teams and safe zone. From the months of Feb-Dec we have mixed gender teams on the streets from 10:30pm-4:00am on a Friday & Saturday. These are always gender mixed and can be identified by a recognised uniform. Each team member wears and ID badge should someone require additional peace of mind about who they are dealing with. The range of services provided go from handing out flip flops (free!) to making contact with family or friends to help someone be safe and get home safely too. We also work closely with Police Scotland and can alert officers about specific issues that may require follow up, with the permission of those we engage with of course, and in accordance with our safeguarding policies. Our Safe Zone operates at the same times and nights at our base in St George’s Tron Church of Scotland, the address for which is below. In addition to what our street teams do, the Safe Zone can also provide a first aid service and we always have two police officers stationed with us. Anyone can walk in to what is a safe space staffed by a minimum of 3 street pastors, a First Aiders and 2 police officers. Our teams will either direct people to the SZ or walk them there and the police routinely drop people off with us. Again it is somewhere warm and safe where we listen, care and help (our strap-line).
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Criteria or restrictions
No criteria or restrictions, anyone who is need of help.
Referral route
No referral required