Pollok Pantry

A Pantry membership only costs £1 per month and enables you to shop up to four times per week in the shop.

Each shop costs £2.50 for a significant amount of food with a great range and a variety that you choose relevant to your own needs. If you are in an emergency situation, don’t have the money to shop and can’t or won't access a foodbank that’s not a problem. Our friendly staff will ensure you are still able to use the Pantry for all your shopping needs and it won't cost you anything! In addition to this, we can also support you and help you to escape the situation that put you there in the first place.

We are open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10 - 3 and Saturday from 10 - 2.

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Everyone welcome
Referral route
Contact directly
SWAMP Creative Media Centre, 25-27 Brockburn Road, Glasgow, G53 5BG
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