North West Glasgow Recovery Communities
Addictions Arts & Creativity Mental Health Family Services Women
North West Recovery Communities (NWRC) is the umbrella term to describe a range of activities, groups, drop-in sessions, partnerships and developments that take place in the Northwest Glasgow community. There are 5 specific Recovery Communities settings that are open to all. These are: Possilpark Recovery Drop In Drumchapel Recovery Drop In Knightswood recovery Drop In Women's Recovery Drop In North West Promoting men's Recovery Mindfulness * Meditation Programme. We are also excited about some more activities we are developing including Medics Integration Nights Parents support Recovery Programme A programme of Alcohol Free Social Activities These events are organised, led and delivered by local people in recovery from Alcohol and/or drugs, their families, supporters and a range of staff from local services who work in partnership with the recovery communities networks. Our recovery communities are bound together by a team of recovery volunteers, coordinated and supported by the NWRC team. Our volunteer team deliver our range of activities, support the wider development as well as work together to take forward their own personal and professional development. A major part of the work is to demonstrate that RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE, that it happens day in and day oot on our doorsteps, that there is hope for everyone affected, including families and the wider community. Allan Houston - Senior ADRS Practitioner - [email protected] 07880 176661 Brian - Service manager - [email protected], 07534 735325 Thomas - volunteer Coordinator, [email protected] 07970 164835 Martin - Business Support Assistant - [email protected] - 07716 581497 Outreach Workers Joanne Rollo - 07729 574683 Jamie Reid - 07770 912126
Is this for me?
Criteria or restrictions
Looking for help and support mainly with Drugs and alcohol issues but also with the other issues listed above in a safe secure and confidential environment.
Referral route
Contact directly
North West Glasgow Recovery Communities, 80 St Vincent Terrace, Glasgow, G3 8DX