Our Youth Counselling service offers access to counselling, wellbeing support and clinical psychology for young people (age 10-25) who are experiencing distress, feel isolated, or may be in conflict with the law. Our highly trained staff and partners provide a confidential space for young people to process what is going on in their lives. Support is individually tailored and can include one-to-one, group, or family support and interventions, depending on need.
We are based in Glasgow's East End and can accept referrals from all Glasgow City Council postcodes. We can also help young people access further support opportunities in their local area. Referrals from young people, families, and professionals are welcome.
Is this for me?
Criteria or restrictions
We can accept referrals for young people age 10-25 who live within Glasgow City.
Referral route
Via our website
42 Hollowglen Road, Greenfield, G32 0DP