The Trusty Paws Clinic is a clinic for dogs belonging to homeless people in Glasgow and London. The clinic is run by 4th year vet students and provides free vaccinations, flea/worming treatment and microchips to the dogs. We also give out food, clothing and bedding for the dogs and people. Glasgow is in desperate need of a project like this as there is very little support for homeless people with dogs. The clinic provides much needed preventative care for the dogs and general aid to them both. It is also a friendly environment for the people where they can get a warm drink, and a friendly chat. The clinic relies solely on fundraising. We also fundraise for any dogs with major health problems so that they can be treated and be more comfortable on the streets. To many of these people their dogs provide company, love and friendship and are very special to their owners. Preventing the dogs from catching nasty diseases and parasites is an easy way to make sure their lives are comfortable.
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Contact directly
The Access Hub, Anderston House, 389 Argyle Street, Glasgow, G2 8LR