Garden Project
employment education community justice
Provided by Sacro. The Garden Project offers adults a gardening pathway to social inclusion and employment. In partnership with Glasgow City Council, Land Environment Services and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Sacro is delivering the Garden Project in Bellahouston Demonstration Gardens and Tollcross Park. The Garden Project is delivered in three steps which are designed to ease individuals into a routine and gradually build confidence and skills. These steps introduce structure and motivation. Participants are supported and mentored by Sacro staff throughout. Skills and knowledge include: plant identification, plant propagation by seed sowing and cuttings, garden tool maintenance and safety, understanding soil types and compost production, fruit and veg. harvesting and organic, wildlife-friendly growing methods. The final step is achieving the individual’s goal. This could be moving onto an apprenticeship or job opportunity, to release an addiction, desistance from offending, improved personal relationships or just an anchor in an otherwise turbulent life.
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29 Albany Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3QN