The Positive Outcomes Project is a joint initiative staffed by Police Scotland, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership and the community justice organisation, Sacro.
POP works with males, who are over 16 years of age, reside within Glasgow and are committing offences due to a dependency on drugs and/or alcohol.
The aim of POP is to break the cycle of offending behaviour and substance misuse by providing support and advice in relation to accessing addiction services, health and medical services, recovery and rehabilitation services, housing, welfare rights, education or employment and the criminal justice system.
Is this for me?
Criteria or restrictions
Over 16 years of age
Resides within Glasgow City
Committing offences
Drug / and or Alcohol Addiction
Referral route
Contact POP Office or email with referrals details (Name, DOB and address).
80 Norfolk Street,
G5 9EL