Outdoors For You
mental health health & wellbeing my community integration
Outdoors For You believes that everyone should have the opportunity to spend time in nature and outdoor regardless of age, gender, health, fitness, ethnicity and beliefs. Our aim is to help all communities to improve physical and mental wellbeing by offering opportunities to spend more time outdoors in nature. We organise different types of activities such as city park walks, hiking, hillwalking, cycling, playing volleyball, running, camping, Tennis, litter picking, wellbeing workshops and more. The key objectives of our organisation are; • To provide opportunities for indoor and outdoor activities for all. • To inspire individuals to spend more time outdoors to gain the benefits spending time in nature. • Improve physical and mental wellbeing through promoting active and healthy lifestyles. • Promote social inclusion and community engagement of the BAME and EU communities through outdoor/indoor activities. • Promote eco-friendly lifestyle and improve social interaction.
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42 Miller Street Glasgow G1 1DT