Common Wheel ​supports people managing or recovering from mental illness and dementia by providing meaningful activities. We currently have four main projects: bikes, music, visual arts and climbing. The main focus of our bike project is our Build Your Own Bike course which runs for two hours each week for 10 weeks at our bike workshops in Maryhill and Bridgeton. During the course our bike engineers teach people how to rebuild an old bike into a fully functioning one that they can ride home. Our workshops are also open to the public, where we do repairs and sales of bikes. Our music project runs participatory music activities for people with mental illness and dementia in the community, hospital wards and care homes. Our groups are suitable for all levels of musical experience and everybody gets the chance to play a variety of instruments and/or sing. Carnival Club is Common Wheel's visual arts group where participants meet once a week to work with a professional artist. Together they design and produce pieces of visual art that are showcased at events across Glasgow. Our climbing project runs at the climbing centre in Maryhill, known as ‘The Prop Store’. It is suitable for all levels of fitness and experience and participants get the chance to learn how to boulder and rope climb with the groups being led by professional instructors and supported by Common Wheel staff and volunteers.
Is this for me?
Criteria or restrictions
No specific criteria - activities aimed at people recovering from mental health and dementia.
Referral route
If you would like to take part in any of our project you would need to be referred by your mental health professional or support worker. You can find more information on our website about our referral process.
77 Chapel Street Maryhill Glasgow G20 9BD