Local social work office Possilpark
family services
If you already have a social worker then you can contact them or their office direct. If you have not contacted social work before then contact Social Care Direct on 0141 287 0555.Services available at this office: Children and Families Criminal Justice Within North West you can access other services as below: Gullane Street: Adult ServicesDrumchapel: Children and Families; Partick: Children and Families; Mental Health; Carers ServiceSocial Work Services are provided following an assessment of needs - read our Eligibility Criteria on how we decide if you are eligible for a service. Telephone: 0141 276 6210
Is this for me?
Criteria or restrictions
Dependent on which service you are looking for, please contact directly to find out more information.
Referral route
Contact directly
30 Mansion Street, Glasgow, G22 5SZ