my community health & wellbeing mental health integration employment education
Fuse offers a safe place for young people with a café area, gig space, annexe and internet café. The internet café is supported by Glasgow Kelvin College. Activities, including formal and informal learning, are offered as supported and developed by young people. Fuse is open six days a week. In addition, a session is offered during the day for young people aged 16-25 seeking support in further education, training, employability skills, and job seeking. Fuse is more than providing an alcohol and drug-free venue for local young people to gather. The activities and resources we make available are always evolving to meet the needs and requests of young people. The building of positive relationships between Fuse members and youth workers is pivotal to successfully developing the confidence, social and employability skills of these young people.
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1567-1573 Shettleston Road, Glasgow, G32 9AS